Our Blog Posts

Can You break the Chains of a California

Many times a Trustee wants the Trust beneficiaries to sign a waiver of accounting and release of liability before any Trust distributions are made. It is understandable (from the Trustee’s perspective) that he wants to prevent any future lawsuits before all the Trust money is distributed. But do waivers and releases really work? In a […]

man taking someone else's inheritance

In traditional nuclear families, the passing of assets from one parent to the other and then to the kids is a natural occurrence most of the time. But when you have a parent who marries a different spouse, a step-parent to you, then the passing of assets is not so simple; especially where the step-parent has children […]


Have you ever heard of law and equity? Nearly everyone has heard of law, in fact many people believe the law is a set thing that is easily applied with clear-cut rules (not true in most cases by the way). Equity, on the other hand, is a lesser-known concept, which is ironic since a huge […]

Can a Trustee "axe" your assets?

No-Contest applies to questioning the executor? If you are the beneficiary under a Will that has a no-contest clause, you might be concerned about questioning the actions of the Executor; or for that matter, seeking to remove the Executor for bad acts while in office. Fear not, no-contest clauses are nearly impossible to enforce under California law. […]

Is this going to hurt us

Have you been nominated to act as Trustee of someone’s revocable Trust in Orange County? If so, you have just been handed a big headache. As Trustee you are charged with a mountain of duties and responsibilities. Unfortunately, many people who act as Trustee fail to understand the many duties they have. Instead, they think […]

plan prepare perform

Being an aggressive lawyer takes a lot more than raising your voice and pounding the table. You need a good plan, a ton of preparation and then a great performance.


Every probate has a beginning, middle and an end (so we hope). But you will never get to the middle or end if you don’t get started. How exactly do you open a probate in California? To open probate you file a petition with the Court, referred to as a Petition for Probate. Luckily in […]


Did you know that when you put a child on your joint bank account they become an owner of that money? More than that, your Will does not affect the ultimate distribution of that account. In this video we describe some of the dangers and misunderstandings dealing with joint bank accounts.


Did you know that not all beneficiaries are created equal? There are different levels of beneficiaries in California Trust and each level has different rights and priorities when it comes to Trust distributions. For current beneficiaries, there are three basic levels: (1) specific gift Beneficiaries, (2) general gift Beneficiaries, and (3) residue or remainder Beneficiaries. […]

due process

When you file your Trust or Will lawsuit in court, you may know you are right and the other side is wrong, and you put all your facts in your pleading, so why can’t the court just make a decision right away? Instead, your Probate petition or Trust or Will lawsuit is set for an […]