Our Blog Posts

let it rain

Imagine you were going to be given a specific gift of a house. You liked the house, maybe you grew up there. You could use a place to live and you look forward to having a place of your own. But then the house is sold by your parent and turned into cash, where it […]

Your rights to your gift

In the world of Trust and Wills, some gifts are better than others. I don’t mean monetarily (of course $1 million is better than $1 thousand), but I mean the type of gift being given. There is a hierarchy of gifts—a pecking order if you will. Specific gifts are at the top of the heap. […]

lets fight

In our last post, we described California’s creation of Transfer-on-Death Deeds (“TOD Deeds”). And while TOD Deeds could prove a useful tool when used properly in estate planning, they also can lead to additional problems and headaches. So what action must you take if you fall victim to a bad TOD Deed? TOD Deeds fall […]

We may have a problem here

In our last post we discussed the newly created Transfer-On-Death Deeds (“TOD Deeds”); now time for a few problems. There are two main problems created by California’s new TOD Deed rules. First, someone wanting to legitimately use such a deed has to understand all the technical rules that must be followed, and then follow them. […]

How does this work

Starting this year there is yet another way to pass property by avoiding probate: Transfer on death deeds. Transferring real property without having to go through probate sounds great, but there are a few strings attached. In the past, people have commonly used joint tenancy deeds to pass real property without having to go through […]

A Good Back Story

It can be hard to convince and judge or jury to rule in your favor unless you have a good back-story. That means a good reason why someone would have left you assets had they not been unduly influenced. In this video, partner Keith A. Davidson describes the need for a good story to go […]

power of the law

The Law can be a powerful tool when used wisely. The law is there for a reason, to settle disputes, right wrongs, and help with an orderly flow of rights. The problem is that fewer and fewer lawyers are relying on the power of law. With trial dates hard to come by, and fewer lawyers […]

Conflicts can be Confusing

Representing families can be tricky business because conflicts of interest for a lawyer can arise when and where you least expect it. Yet other times a conflict may not be present even where it appears there should be one. This can be explained by looking at the interests involved. Generally speaking, under rule 3-310(c) of […]

Presumed Guilty

There are certain people who are presumed to have obtained a gift under a Trust or Will by undue influence. If you happen to be one of these people, be aware that any Trust or Will amended that favors you may be easily overturned. Who are these special people? In California, a legal presumption of […]

pro trustees

So you want to get rid of your Trustee? Quite a few beneficiaries feel that way, especially when a Trustee fails to treat the beneficiaries fairly, fails to follow the Trust terms, and fails to properly invest Trust assets. It can be a challenge to remove a Trustee, in part because Court’s are at times […]