Our Blog Posts

at what cost

When is it worth it to sue for your inheritance? Lawsuits can be expensive, time consuming, and emotionally draining. But there are two big issues involved in every Trust and Will lawsuit: principle and money. By principle, we are referring to what is right and what is just. Of course, we all know that life […]

what's interference

My friend promised to leave me a big gift as part of their estate, but when my friend died I was left nothing. Can I sue? Well that all depends on the circumstances surrounding your friend’s estate plan. If your friend simply changed their mind. Or worse yet, if your friend lied to you, then […]

why do so few get to sue?

In 2012, the California Appellate court recognized a new lawsuit for those who lose an inheritance due to wrongful interference by someone else. For example, you were going to receive a large gift from a friend and then that plan was either changed or stopped due to another person’s bad acts—such as lying about you […]

who can sue?

A few years ago, California recognized a new tort that allows plaintiffs to sue for intentionally interfering with an expected inheritance. In other words, you can sue if you were going to receive a gift under a Trust or Will, and then someone wrongly influenced an elder to change the estate plan to remove you […]

forcing imitation from bad trustees

Beneficiaries are supposed to receive reasonable information and timely distributions of their share of the Trust money and property. Unfortunately, many beneficiaries are kept in the dark and receive no Trust distributions. In other words, they receive no money and no information. It can be hard to know what to do when you are kept […]

top 3 legal docs

A little planning goes a long way in any crisis. The present coronavirus pandemic isn’t the only time when you may encounter an emergency in your life. Every day we deal with families who have unfortunately lost a loved one. It comes with the territory when you practice in the area of Trusts and wills. […]

how to can a trustee

You might be surprised to learn that Trustees are not so easy to get rid of. It’s not impossible to remove a Trustee, but it’s not as easy as many people believe (or hope). That can be discouraging news when you have a Trustee who you believe is acting badly. So how do you go […]

Trustee Keeping You In the Dark illustration with a flashlight

There are many examples of bad Trustees either failing or refusing to keep the Trust beneficiaries reasonably informed. Under Probate Code section 16060, the Trustee has a duty to keep the beneficiaries reasonably informed of the Trust and its administration. Further, under section 16060.7, the Trustee has a duty to provide the terms of the Trust to […]

When a Beneficiary is Trustee

In California, Trustees can also be beneficiaries of a Trust. Even if the Trust has multiple beneficiaries. That means one person can be both the Trust manager (Trustee) and benefit from the Trust (beneficiary). You may ask ‘isn’t this a conflict of interest?’ Maybe yes and maybe no. Anytime one person is acting as both […]

Trial is like a Football Game

Why can’t the judge just throw the other side’s case out of court? Can’t the judge see the other side is lying or bringing a bogus claim? That’s not possible in our court system because of a concept known as Due Process of Law. The American system of justice operates using a concept know as […]