Category: Trust Beneficiary

why disinherit a child

What are some of the reasons why a parent might disinherit a child? A lot of times we think that a parent will disinherit a child because a child was bad: the child was abusive to the parent, or became a drug addict, or acted irresponsibly somehow.  That certainly can be the basis for a […]

how to qualify as a beneficiary

What does it take to qualify as a beneficiary? If you have been named as a beneficiary in a trust or will in California, and you’re supposed to receive a gift out of that trust or will, it really doesn’t take much to qualify to be a beneficiary. Once you are named as a beneficiary, […]

do i need a beneficiary lawyer

Let’s say that you find out that you’re a beneficiary of a $3 million trust. There are three beneficiaries. You’re supposed to get a million dollars at the end of this. It’s a very happy, exciting day for you. You call the trustee’s attorney, and you say to the trustee’s attorney, “Hey, I have some questions for […]

preliminary distributions of a trust

Let’s say that you just found out that you’re the beneficiary of a $3 million trust fund, and there are a total of three beneficiaries. Each beneficiary stands to receive $1 million dollars. That is an exciting day that doesn’t happen to many people. You wonder when you are going to receive the $1 million. […]

murder of a settlor

What happens when a Beneficiary Kills the Trust Creator, the Settlor?  As you can imagine, that’s not a good thing. So you shouldn’t go around killing people. I shouldn’t have to tell you that. However, if you have a beneficiary who is found to have murdered the settlor, under California law, they are precluded from […]

not all beneficiaries are equal

California trust law creates a hierarchy among beneficiaries. That means not all beneficiaries are equal. Some beneficiaries outrank others. Some beneficiaries have better rights than other beneficiaries. Current Beneficiaries The starting point is current beneficiaries, people who are named now who are supposed to be receiving something out of the trust. That’s what we call a […]

what is a beneficiary deed

Beneficiary deeds are a fairly new creation, under California law. A beneficiary transfer deed allows you to file something with the County Recorder’s Office that says, in effect, “After my death, I want my property to pass to my stated beneficiary.” It’s kind of like a beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy or a […]

the trustee did what

Ok, so you’re a beneficiary and you just did a title search on the asset that’s in the trust and you find that it’s in the name of the trustee, who is your older brother perhaps. And you say, “Wait a minute. Why is the title to the trust asset in my older brother’s name?  Isn’t that […]

don't buy that with trust money

So you find yourself as a trustee of a trust and you have to make expenditures out of that trust. And the question is, “What are appropriate expenditures?” Well, let’s first talk about what your basic and primary job is a trustee and that is, as a trustee, you’re going to collect all the assets […]

multiple beneficiaries of real property

So this happens from time to time where a trustee is the trustee of a trust that owns real property such as a house or a cabin or vacation home and there are beneficiaries of that trust who ultimately will inherit the VALUE of that property. And the reason I say the VALUE of that property […]