Category: Trust and Will Lawsuits

big fight small estimate

Should I Fight My Relatives Over An Estate Even If It’s Worth Very Little? Probably not. There are two equally powerful issues you must consider when contesting an estate: (1) principal, and (2) money. By principal, I mean fighting for what is right, for what is just in your case. And of course, money simply means the […]

follow the steps

How Can I Go Through Probate With My Family Without Things Getting Hostile? That all depends on what you mean by “go through probate.” If you are referring to the probate of a Will (or the administration of an estate without a Will), then you may be able to get through the process by simply sticking […]

who wins my inheritance

This is heartbreaking problem and is nearly impossible to fix after someone dies. Typically, the problem arises when someone creates a Will decades before death and sets out his wishes at that time.  But over time he changes his mind and wants to leave the estate to different people. The decedent may even tell people he […]

feel left out?

My relative wrote their own Will and it’s being contested by family members who were left out, what should I do? Fight back. The fact that the Will was written by your relatives is not, in itself, grounds to contest the Will. Of course, that does not stop people from contesting it anyway. But to contest the Will, […]

i can do it myself

Yes. In America, you can take almost any legal action on your own, even representing yourself in court. Of course, the old saying is “he who represents himself has a fool for a client.” That may be true in some complicated legal matters, but there are plenty of simple legal matters where you can do-it-yourself. A simple […]

who needs mail notice

Who should be notified when Probate begins in California and whose duty is it to notify them? Under California law, the entire world must be notified when probate begins in California, and it is the named executor’s job to do so, or the person filing to open probate. But how do you notify the world? It all […]

Done yet

The short answer is twelve to thirty-six months or more. But the specific answer varies widely based on the circumstances you confront in your case. It can take far longer than you like to resolve your Trust or Will litigation case. And there are a few factors that affect the length of your case. The […]

Ready set pay

That all depends on what you mean by “probate.” In California, in fact in the entire United States, we operate under the so-called American system of litigation fees; meaning each party pays their own fees regardless of who wins the case. But there are a few exceptions. For example, if you have a contract that […]

a man running out of time

Contesting wills and trusts can be difficult because each document operates under a different set of rules. And each document has a different statute of limitations for contesting it. Timeline for California Will Contests You really cannot contest a California Will until someone offers the Will to be admitted into probate. Under California law, a Will […]

inheritance theft

Yes, provided that relative has standing to sue. Any family member (or past beneficiary) who has been excluded from your Trust or Will can fight for inclusion after you die. But to do so they first must have standing. To have standing means they are an heir or prior beneficiary of yours and they have […]