Category: Estate Planning

you're out

After handling many hundreds of Trust and Will contest cases, we can tell you that disinheriting a child is not about the money. Well, it is about keeping money from them, but the child sees it as so much more.  Distrust, betrayal, danger, a lack of love or approval; these are just some of the […]

i can do it myself

Yes. In America, you can take almost any legal action on your own, even representing yourself in court. Of course, the old saying is “he who represents himself has a fool for a client.” That may be true in some complicated legal matters, but there are plenty of simple legal matters where you can do-it-yourself. A simple […]

executor or multitasker

This is an important question that can be difficult to answer in a single article. There are a long list of duties that Executor’s have  under California law, but they can be summed up using the categories below: Take Control of Estate Assets and Properly Manage Them The first job over any executor is to […]

Forced Plan

What Happens If You Die Without A Will? That depends on how you hold title to your assets. If you die and everything you own is in your sole name, then the assets must pass through probate to be transferred to your next of kin. When you die without a Will, you are said to […]


It can be nearly impossible to help a parent plan his or her estate when dementia exists. The problem with dementia is that is qualifies as the type of mental defect that could cause the person to lack the necessary capacity to create a Trust or Will. The first issue is whether your parent still […]

dog left outside in the cold

Last updated on 09/04/2024 What can you do when you find yourself left out of a parent’s Will? That all depends on the circumstances surrounding the creation of the Will in the first place. Understanding Inheritance Rights in California For starters, in California children do not have a right to inherit any property from a […]

When arranging to take care of your loved ones after your death becomes a concern, it’s necessary to consult an expert in matters of estate planning and probate. An experienced attorney can help you determine your needs and how best to ensure your last wishes will be met. Even so, it may be helpful to […]

Elder Financial Abuse: Estate Planning Can Help California defines financial elder abuse as the unlawful appropriation of money or tangible property from a person who is elderly. Whether from outright theft or from manipulation, elder abuse is a serious infraction that can result in jail time. Examples Of Elder Abuse Cashing checks without authorization Obtaining […]