Stewart Albertson and Keith Davidson of Albertson & Davidson, a trust, estate and probate litigation law firm, address common inheritance questions in “Ask 2 Lawyers,” an online videos series. In the informative, short videos, the attorneys who help clients fight for their inheritance, address questions about California law regarding wills, trusts and inheritance.
The videos are organized under three general headings:
- Trust Accountings
- Hiring a Lawyer
- Beneficiary Rights
Under Trust Accountings, the first question the trust and estate litigation attorneys tackle is: How does a beneficiary get a trust accounting?
They explain that all current beneficiaries of a trust are entitled to a full, formal accounting of the assets of the trust in accordance with the California Probate Code. The trustee has 60 days to comply with the request for an accounting. If the trustee disregards the request, the next step is to go to Probate Court and ask the court to order a proper accounting. Another video discusses how you can handle a trustee who refuses to communicate with you as a trust beneficiary.
Under their second category, Hiring a Lawyer, the California attorneys address a question that many families face when a loved one dies without a will: What happens if two different people petition to become administrator of an intestate estate?
According to the California lawyers, a probate petition must be filed with the appropriate court. The petitioner usually gets signed acknowledgments from the other heirs who are in support of the petition. In situations where there are competing petitions to be administrator of an estate, the Probate Court will determine the priority and qualifications of each individual to act as executor. Ultimately, the court will appoint an executor if the heirs cannot reach an agreement on an administrator of the estate.
Under the Beneficiary Rights heading, one of the questions addresses notification requirements when changes are made to a trust. Albertson and Davidson discuss whether you have a legal right to be notified when a change is made to your parents’ trust document. If it is a revocable trust, changes can be made at any time and there is no notification requirement when changes are made.
However, once the parents are deceased and the trust becomes irrevocable, then the beneficiaries have to be notified if changes are made to the trust.
The trust and will trial lawyers at Albertson & Davidson, LLP have the knowledge and experience to deal with sensitive and challenging situations involving inheritance.
The Los Angeles inheritance attorneys at Albertson & Davidson offer skilled legal representation with trust and estate litigation and have represented clients in courtrooms across California. Albertson & Davidson has recovered more than $100 million in verdicts and settlements for its clients.
Let Albertson & Davidson answer your specific inheritance questions during a free consultation and discuss how we may assist you.
For more information about Albertson & Davidson, visit their site at https://www.aldavlaw.com/. Communicate through their customer representative at (213) 670-7940.