Albertson & Davidson’s Beneficiary’s Corner
California’s Will & Trust Lawyers have created the Beneficiary’s Corner for those wanting to learn more about inheriting an asset, a property, or a lump sum of money.
Albertson and Davidson have created the Beneficiary’s Corner for abused beneficiaries, so they can better understand their rights regarding, California Trust and Will matters.
This platform was set up by Albertson and Davidson, so beneficiaries can take necessary action to protect and fight for their inheritance that they are entitled to.
Within the Beneficiary’s Corner, there is a set of three courses; consisting of the facts, the laws, and the talks to better understand the role of beneficiaries and trustees. Albertson and Davidson discuss and debate each of these areas in depth.
What to Expect from The Courses
For instance, the main course focus, “Is your trustee risking your money?” Albertson and Davidson’s attorneys explain many ways to respond to situations that may involve a wrong trustee in the topic and present a better understanding of the roles overall.
The Attorneys at Albertson and Davidson also give real-life examples in these courses. For example, the laws that regulate the trustee investing in the state of California, and the importance of having a written Investor Policy statement.
Furthermore, regarding that example, in certain circumstances, a trustee may take advantage of their position causing them to violate their duties to monitor and manage the trust assets. This often results in the trustee been held accountable for abused beneficiaries.
Similarly, the second course listed on the Albertson and Davidson website refers to the trustee duties and how to handle a trustee if they do not carry out their duties.
What Happens when a Trustee Violates Their Duties?
There can be situations which involve a trustee violating their responsibilities.
They are required to carry out several duties, such as:
- Administering the terms of the trust written
- Administering the trust to benefit the beneficiary
- Avoiding any conflicts of interest and self-dealing
If you are a beneficiary, the acting trustee or executor is legally obligated to act in your best interest, despite their personal feelings. Some fiduciaries violate their duties because of their own beliefs or ignorance of their legal obligations. On occasions, the trustee or executor are corrupted by their position of power, and they think they can do anything they want.
What to Do When Trustee Abuses Power?
At the Albertson and Davidson Law Firm, their services include protecting both the estate’s value and the interest of a beneficiary in an estate, as well as monitoring the fiduciary’s administration of the estate.
Also, the Law Firm pursues financial elder abuse actions against persons who have, through wrongful means, acquired an interest in an elder’s estate to the detriment of the intended beneficiaries.
The Albertson and Davidson Law Firm has extensive experience attacking and defending California fiduciaries, those who take care of money or assets of another person. The attorneys understand a fiduciary’s legal obligations, and they can spot when they are not fulfilling their duties appropriately.
Have More Questions about the Corner?
Furthermore, if you are a beneficiary of a will or trust and the trustee or executor is delaying distribution of your inheritance, please contact us to discuss your rights on how to get your estate. Also, please visit our Beneficiary’s Corner as a quick reference guide to understand the roles involved in a Trust or Will.
If you would like more information about the Beneficiary’s Corner and about your rights as a beneficiary, go online to the Albertson and Davidson website at https://www.aldavlaw.com/.
Call Albertson & Davidson Attorneys anytime at 415.685.0909.