California Trust Accounting Litigation

Trustees must account for their actions in managing a Trust estate. This basic requirement of California law is so often ignored or abused by Trustees, with harmful (and sometimes devastating) results to Trust beneficiaries.
If you are a Trustee, then accounting is the perfect tool for you to do the following:
- Advise your beneficiaries of your actions,
- Seek their approval of those actions, and
- Have an orderly administration and distribution of the Trust assets without worrying about a lawsuit down the road.
When beneficiaries are kept in the dark about a Trustee’s actions, they usually assume the worst. And that’s for good reason because most Trustees who refuse to disclose information have something to hide. The actions of every fiduciary, whether acting as a trustee, executor or conservator, are subject to the strictest scrutiny. Their actions are constantly vulnerable to attacks by beneficiaries. Fiduciaries have a host of duties and liabilities that should govern their actions. They are held to the highest duty of care1 or every act they undertake (and every act they choose not to take).